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Showing 1-10 of 18 titles.
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The Cure for Hate

How does an affluent, middle-class, private-school-attending son of a doctor end up at the Aryan Nations compound in Idaho, falling in with and then recruiting for some of the most notorious neo-Nazi ...

The Antifa Comic Book

The shocking images of neo-Nazis marching in Charlottesville, Virginia, in the summer of 2017 linger, but so do those of the passionate anti-fascist protestors who risked their lives to do the right thing. ...

What I Think Happened

A wickedly funny book in which the author recasts historical events and personalities from her own feminist perspective.

What I Think Happened, the debut book by comedian Evany Rosen, is really two books: ...

Conflict Is Not Abuse

Judy Grahn Award for Lesbian Non-Fiction winner

From intimate relationships to global politics, Sarah Schulman observes a continuum: that inflated accusations of harm are used to avoid accountability. ...


On the heels of America's renewed relations with Cuba: a vivid graphic novel on the life of Fidel Castro.

As America moves toward normalizing relations with Cuba, this gripping, vivid graphic novel reveals ...


Craftivism is a worldwide movement that operates at the intersection of craft and activism; Craftivism the book is full of inspiration for crafters who want to create works that add to the greater good. ...

The Anti-Capitalist Resistance Comic Book

In recent years the world has borne witness to numerous confrontations, many of them violent, between
protesters and authorities at pivotal gatherings of the world's political and economic leaders. While ...

Stan Douglas: Abbott & Cordova, 7 August 1971

Stan Douglas: Abbott & Cordova, 7 August 1971, an art book on the politics of urban conflict, is based on the work of Stan Douglas, one of Canada's most revered contemporary artists. His film and video ...

Seeing Reds

By Daniel Francis
Categories: Canada, Politics

Excerpted in Geist magazine
At the end of World War I, Canada was poised on the brink of social revolution. At least that is what many Canadians, inspired by the success of the Russian Revolution in 1917, ...

The 500 Years of Resistance Comic Book

The 500 Years of Resistance Comic Book is a powerful and historically accurate graphic portrayal of Indigenous resistance to the European colonization of the Americas, beginning with the Spanish invasion ...