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Showing 1-10 of 52 titles.
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Text by Can Dundar
Illustrated by Anwar
Translated by L.L. Kreider
Categories: Biography & Memoir, Graphic Novels & Non-Fiction, History

Winner, 2022 Atomium Comic Strip Prize

A comprehensive graphic biography of Recep Tayyip Erdogan, the authoritarian president of Turkey

One of the world's most divisive and controversial leaders, Recep ...

White Riot

WINNER, Dr. Edgar Wickberg Book Prize for the Best Book on Chinese Canadian History (Chinese Canadian Historical Society of BC); FINALIST, Bill Duthie Booksellers' Choice Prize (BC and Yukon Book Prizes) ...

Postcards from Congo

The Democratic Republic of Congo, the second-largest country in Africa by area, has a fractured and bloody history, variously undone by decades of colonialism, civil war, corruption, and totalitarian ...

Cold Case BC

Finalist, Bill Duthie Booksellers' Choice Award (BC Book Prizes)

In her BC bestseller Cold Case Vancouver, crime historian and reporter Eve Lazarus used investigative skills to shine a light on the city's ...


In May 2021, the world was shocked by news of the detection of 215 unmarked graves on the grounds of the former Kamloops Indian Residential School (KIRS) in British Columbia, Canada. Ground-penetrating ...

Vancouver Vice

Aaron Chapman's latest Vancouver book explores the gritty history of the West End in the 1970s and '80s.

Aaron Chapman, the two-time Bill Duthie Booksellers' Choice Award-winning author of such bestselling ...

Between Certain Death and a Possible Future

An enthralling and incisive anthology of personal essays on the persistent impact of the AIDS crisis on queer lives.

Every queer person lives with the trauma of AIDS, and this plays out intergenerationally. ...

Vancouver Exposed

Finalist, Bill Duthie Booksellers' Choice Prize (BC and Yukon Book Prizes)

As the author of such BC best-sellers as Cold Case Vancouver, Murder by Milkshake, and Sensational Vancouver, Eve Lazarus has ...

The Rat People

A shocking exploration of Beijing's notorious underground where over 1 million residents live: a sobering reminder of the human cost of capitalism.

In a relatively short amount of time, China has become ...

Murder by Milkshake

Finalist for Bill Duthie Booksellers' Choice Prize (BC Book Prizes); Crime Writers of Canada Arthur Ellis Award; City of Vancouver Book Award

When forty-year-old Esther Castellani died a slow and agonizing ...