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The Anti-Capitalist Resistance Comic Book - From the WTO to the G20

The Anti-Capitalist Resistance Comic Book

From the WTO to the G20

By Gord Hill
Categories: Social Issues, BIPOC, Indigenous Literature, Politics, Graphic Novels & Non-Fiction, History
Paperback : 9781551524443, 96 pages, 2012
Read Excerpt (PDF)


In recent years the world has borne witness to numerous confrontations, many of them violent, between
protesters and authorities at pivotal gatherings of the world's political and economic leaders. While police and the media are quick to paint participants as anarchistic thugs, accurate accounts of their subsequent treatment at the hands of authorities often go untold--as well as the myriad stories of corporate and government corruption, greed, exploitation, and abuse of power that inspired such protests in the first place.

In this startling, politically astute graphic novel, Gord Hill (The 500 Years of Resistance Comic Book) documents the history of capitalism as well as anti-capitalist and anti-globalization movements around the world, from the 1999 "Battle of Seattle" against the World Trade Organization to the Toronto G20 summit in 2010. The
dramatic accounts trace the global origins of public protests against those in power, then depict recent events based on eyewitness testimony; they paint a vivid and historically accurate picture of activists who bring the crimes of governments and multinationals to the world's attention.

As the "Occupy" movements around the world unfold, The Anti-Capitalist Resistance Comic Book is a deft, eye-opening look at the new class warfare, and those brave enough to wage the battle.


An important primer for the movement.
-The Public Archive

Hill is a talented illustrator, with a perspective that affords him a unique window into the events he is describing.
-Publishers Weekly

Hill's comic book truly does clarify "what taking on capitalism is all about" . .. as with The 500 Years of Resistance Comic Book and in the wake of the different Occupy movements and the Idle No More Movement, Hill's graphic novel is certainly, once again, timely. -Canadian Literature

Essential reading . .. Hill's work is at the forefront of creating accessible material about leftist tactics and strategies.
-Canadian Dimension

This intricately illustrated political graphic novel provides readers with a much-needed alternative perspective on the history and rise of capitalism and the rippling effects of globalization and escalating class warfare . .. Hill has crafted an important commentary on capitalism, activism, and solidarity. -Broken Pencil