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Showing 21-30 of 52 titles.
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Forbidden Love

QUEER FILM CLASSICS is a critically acclaimed series that launched in 2009, edited by Thomas Waugh and Matthew Hays, covering some of the most important and influential films about and/or by LGBT people ...

Cold Case Vancouver

The untold story behind some of Vancouver's notorious unsolved murder cases.

Finalist, Bill Duthie Booksellers' Choice Award (BC Book Prizes)

While Vancouver is much loved by tourists and locals alike ...

Suite Francaise: Storm in June

A stirring graphic novel based on the extraordinary book by Irene Nemirovsky.

Suite Francaise, an extraordinary novel about village life in France just as it was plunged into chaos with the German invasion ...


On the heels of America's renewed relations with Cuba: a vivid graphic novel on the life of Fidel Castro.

As America moves toward normalizing relations with Cuba, this gripping, vivid graphic novel reveals ...

A Superior Man

Paul Yee's first novel for adults: an historical account of a Chinese man on a journey to find the mother of his son.

For more than thirty years, Paul Yee has written about his Chinese-Canadian heritage ...

Vancouver Was Awesome

By Lani Russwurm
Introduction by Bob Kronbauer
Categories: Canada, Photography, Travel, History

A startling and unexpectedly rich collection of images from Vancouver's pre-gentrification past.

Vancouver may be a youngster among major cities, but it has a rich and beguiling history. Past Tense Vancouver ...

Universal Hunks

A lively, wide-ranging visual history of muscular men from around the world.

Over the last 100 years, the image of the muscular man has known no boundaries; it has been the object of envy, admiration, ...

The Trial of Pope Benedict

On February 28, 2013, Benedict XVI became the first pope in nearly 600 years to resign. In abandoning a role that nearly every one of his predecessors had seen as a calling from God to be heeded until ...

Escape to Gold Mountain

Winner, Chinese American Library Association Best Book Award winner (Fiction)

The history of Chinese immigration to Canada and the US over the past 100-plus years has been fraught with sadness and indignity; ...

One Thousand Mustaches

The 'stache is back! After decades of being much maligned in Western culture, the mustache is enjoying a cultural renaissance, thanks to the annual phenomenon of Movember (the international campaign in ...