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Showing 11-20 of 46 titles.
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Fighting for Space

Winner, George Ryga Award for Social Awareness in Literature
Finalist, Roderick Haig-Brown Regional Prize (BC Book Prizes)
Finalist, Vancouver Book Award

North America is in the grips of a drug epidemic. ...

Liquor, Lust, and the Law

A new edition of the colourful history of Vancouver's Penthouse Nightclub, which celebrates its seventieth anniversary in 2017.

The after-hours watering hole for the famous and infamous, the Penthouse ...

Blood, Sweat, and Fear

Finalist, Crime Writers of Canada Arthur Ellis Award

During his forty-two-year-career he helped detectives in Vancouver, Victoria, and throughout BC solve hit-and-runs, safe-crackings, and some of the ...

The Last Gang in Town

Bill Duthie Booksellers' Choice Prize finalist; Canadian Historical Association's Clio Prize for BC winner

Decades before organized crime syndicates brought sensational drug wars to Vancouver, street gangs ...


QUEER FILM CLASSICS is a critically acclaimed series that launched in 2009, edited by Thomas Waugh and Matthew Hays, covering some of the most important and influential films about and/or by LGBT people ...

Forbidden Love

QUEER FILM CLASSICS is a critically acclaimed series that launched in 2009, edited by Thomas Waugh and Matthew Hays, covering some of the most important and influential films about and/or by LGBT people ...

Cold Case Vancouver

The untold story behind some of Vancouver's notorious unsolved murder cases.

Finalist, Bill Duthie Booksellers' Choice Award (BC Book Prizes)

While Vancouver is much loved by tourists and locals alike ...

A Superior Man

Paul Yee's first novel for adults: an historical account of a Chinese man on a journey to find the mother of his son.

For more than thirty years, Paul Yee has written about his Chinese-Canadian heritage ...

Vancouver Was Awesome

By Lani Russwurm
Introduction by Bob Kronbauer
Categories: Canada, Photography, Travel, History

A startling and unexpectedly rich collection of images from Vancouver's pre-gentrification past.

Vancouver may be a youngster among major cities, but it has a rich and beguiling history. Past Tense Vancouver ...


A fictionalized, meditative chronicle of life among the Innu in rural northeastern Quebec.

Kuessipan ("to you" in the Innu language) is an extraordinary, meditative novel about life among the Native Innu ...