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WATCH: The Canada Reads finale: Jonny Appleseed vs. Butter Honey Pig Bread

WATCH: The Canada Reads finale: Jonny Appleseed vs. Butter Honey Pig Bread

By Arsenal Pulp Date: March 11, 2021 Tags: Canada Reads, Jonny Appleseed, Butter Honey Pig Bread, Francesca Ekwuyasi

We were so overjoyed to see two of our books in the finale of the 2021 edition of CBC's Canada Reads! Jonny Appleseed by Joshua Whitehead was defended by actor and filmmaker Devery Jacobs; Butter Honey Pig Bread by Francesca Ekwuyasi was championed by chef and TV host Roger Mooking.

The conversations among all five defenders were deep and inspiring, and we are so grateful to Devery and Roger for defending Joshua's and Francesca's books so eloquently and passionately. For two of our books to be in the finale - both of them debut novels by BIPOC LGBTQ+ authors - is something we will never forget.

Watch the episode here.